
Parasite Protection Guide

Parasite season is in full swing over summer. Is your pet protected?

We give you the creepy facts on these nasty pests so you can choose the right treatment for your pet.

If you are unsure or have any questions, speak to our team in-store or contact our PetO Vet Dr. Jon.


Did you know?

  • An adult tick has 8 legs and can start laying eggs after feeding for 24 hours. It’s key to kill them quickly!
  • A paralysis tick produces a potent toxin when feeding that affects the animals' central nervous system and causes progressive paralysis and possible death.
  • A female tick can lay up to 3000 eggs at a time.
  • NexGard and NexGard Spectra controls brown ticks, bush ticks and the deadly paralysis tick.

Checking your pet

Try to avoid grassy or bushy areas. After your pet has been outside for a long walk, it's always a good idea to give them a quick check especially if you live in a tick prone area. Run your fingers through the pet's fur, feeling for any bumps. Check their whole body. If you find a tick, remove it carefully with tweezers or your fingers. try to remove the whole body. If the fangs are stuck you can scrape them off with your fingertips. Call your vet if you have any concerns about your pet.

Engorged tick

Image: Engorged tick - ticks can grow up to 1cm when full.


Did you know?

  • Adult fleas you can see are only 5% of the population. The 95% (eggs, larvae and pupae) are found in carpets and bedding - in fact anywhere in your house!
  • A female flea can lay up to 50 eggs a day.
  • Fleas can cause chronic skin disease and even transmit infectious or parasitic diseases. Some of these can be transmitted to humans too. Gross!
  • NexGard Spectra kills existing fleas rapidly within 6-8 hours, before having the chance to even lay eggs.
  • Frontline Plus treats and controls flea allergy dermatitis and kills all stages of the flea life cycle in cats.

Checking your pet

Fleas can be hard to find as they are so small and fast. If your pet is scratching more than usual around the neck or groin area, or chewing around the base of their tail, fleas may be the culprit. The irritation can also cause inflammation and red bumps may appear. Once a flea is spotted, get treatment fast and wash EVERYTHING. Flea powder and sprays can help to control the spread.


Did you know?

  • 70 days after a single bite from an infective mosquito, adult heartworms can reach your dog’s lungs, damaging blood vessels in the heart and lungs.
  • Adult worms can grow to more than 30 cm in length!
  • HeartGard Plus can be used on puppies from 6 weeks old.
  • HeartGard Plus can be used in dogs of positive, negative, or unknown heartworm status but a heartworm test should always be recommended when heartworm status is uncertain.
  • HeartGard is the only heartworm product which controls heartworm larvae up to 4 months provided treatment is continued for 12 months.

Checking your pet

Heartworms can't be seen by the human eye at first but they can be life threatening for your pet as they grow. Signs and symptoms include coughing, difficulty breathing, sluggishness, reduced ability to exercise, and even loss of consciousness. Or you might not notice anything, as not all dogs exhibit symptoms—which is why monthly heartworm prevention is recommended. If you suspect your pet has heartworm, speak to your vet for the best advice for treatment.

Parasitic Worms

Did you know?

  • Worming prevention treats and protects your dog from gastrointestinal worms including roundworm, hookworm, whipworm and tapeworm which can cause a range of health issues for your pet.
  • Puppies should be treated at 2, 4, 8, and 12 weeks of age, and then monthly until 6 months of age.
  • Roundworms are transmitted through the faeces of an infected animal.
  • Hookworms are transmitted by ingesting soil and can be passed on from a nursing mother to her puppies.
  • Some worms may also infest humans.
  • ParaGard is safe for treatment of puppies from 2 weeks of age, as well as lactating females.

Checking your pet

Like Heartworms, parasitic worms can't be easily spotted. Occasionally you may see worms or worm segments in your pet’s faeces or vomit once they have established themselves in your pet. However, not all kinds of worms are visible to the naked eye, and most eggs are too small to be seen without a microscope, so just because you don’t see worms, it doesn’t mean they are not there. Worms can cause gastrointestinal disease, malnutrition and anaemia.

Parasitic worms can cause irritation around your pet’s bottom and you might find your pet rubbing its bottom on the ground or furniture. However, this scooting behaviour can also be due to issues completely unrelated to worms, such as anal sac problems in dogs. Other signs to look out for are bloated tummy (common in puppies), unusual constant hunger, weight loss, & diarrhoea. If you find blood in their faeces, make an appointment with your vet as soon as possible.

Prevention is always best to ensure the well-being of your pet and peace of mind when it comes to these nasty pests. With so many treatments available for every budget, it's easy to give your pet the treatment they need. Speak to our team to find the best solution for your pet!

Have a concern about your pet? Speak to PetO Vet Dr Jon or book an appointment today.

Dr Jon offers vaccination at selected PetO stores for convenience.


Please Note: "CUSTOMER SELF DECLARATION" By purchasing ROYAL CANIN Prescription Diet, you acknowledge and agree that the following is true and accurate to the best of your knowledge.

  1. I confirm that my pet was examined by a Veterinarian who recommended the use of ROYAL CANIN Prescription Diet on the basis of his/her diagnosis.
  2. I have read and understood that whilst my pet is being fed ROYAL CANIN Prescription Diet, it is recommended that seek veterinary advice at least every 6 months regarding the usage of ROYAL CANIN Prescription Diet.
  3. I have read and understood that I need to seek immediate veterinary advice if my pet's condition deteriorates in any way whilst I use ROYAL CANIN Prescription Diet.


Please Note: "CUSTOMER SELF DECLARATION" By purchasing Hill’s Prescription Diet, you acknowledge and agree that the following is true and accurate to the best of your knowledge.

  1. I confirm that my pet was examined by a Veterinarian who recommended the use of Hill’s Prescription Diet on the basis of his/her diagnosis.
  2. I have read and understood that whilst my pet is being fed Hill’s Prescription Diet, it is recommended that I seek veterinary advice at least every 6 months regarding the usage of Prescription Diet.
  3. I have read and understood that I need to seek immediate veterinary advice if my pet's condition deteriorates in any way whilst I use Hill’s Prescription Diet