A dog having their teeth brushed with a finger brush

Puppy Dental Health Tips

By now your puppy’s razor-sharp baby teeth should be replaced with a nice clean set of adult teeth!

It’s important to regularly clean your dog’s teeth throughout their life. The earlier you (and your pup!) get into the habit of practising good dental habits, the more likely it will save you from costly and painful dental procedures in the future.

Dental disease is one of the most common and preventable health conditions that affects dogs.

So, what can you do to prevent it?

Daily Cleaning

Just like us, our pups should be getting their teeth cleaned daily. If the thought of brushing your pup’s teeth daily sounds a bit daunting, consider alternating between brushing and using dental wipes. When introducing the brush or wipes to your puppy for the first time, remember to keep the sessions short so that they can slowly get used to the sensations.

Dental Sticks

Giving your pups raw bones can be quite controversial and risky. Bones that are too hard (such a weight bearing bones) can easily cause your pup’s teeth more damage than good. So, if in doubt, aim for long lasting chews or specially formulated dental sticks which are specially made for cleaning teeth without damage.

Dental Toys

Toys specifically made for dental health is a great way to mentally stimulate your dog while cleaning their teeth. Try a range of different toys to see which one your pup likes the most. It’s also a good idea to switch the toys around once in awhile so that they don’t get bored. You may also find that with certain toys, your pup may favour one side of their mouth than the other so switching the toys around ensures that they get a full mouth clean!

                                      Image Credit @abearyfluffy.mochi

Supplements and Food

Water additives and supplements are a good way to compliment your dog’s detail routine. These natural solutions or powders can be added to your dog’s water bowl or meals and are designed to not only freshen their breath but to also combat plaque and tartar build up.

There are also a range of food options that help to promote dental health through carefully selected ingredients and larger kibble sizes.

Establishing a good dental routine and getting your dog used to having their teeth cleaned is an important part of their health and well-being. Remember that using a combination of all the above coupled with annual vet check ups will ensure that your pups teeth remain pearly white and healthy for years to come!


Please Note: "CUSTOMER SELF DECLARATION" By purchasing ROYAL CANIN Prescription Diet, you acknowledge and agree that the following is true and accurate to the best of your knowledge.

  1. I confirm that my pet was examined by a Veterinarian who recommended the use of ROYAL CANIN Prescription Diet on the basis of his/her diagnosis.
  2. I have read and understood that whilst my pet is being fed ROYAL CANIN Prescription Diet, it is recommended that seek veterinary advice at least every 6 months regarding the usage of ROYAL CANIN Prescription Diet.
  3. I have read and understood that I need to seek immediate veterinary advice if my pet's condition deteriorates in any way whilst I use ROYAL CANIN Prescription Diet.


Please Note: "CUSTOMER SELF DECLARATION" By purchasing Hill’s Prescription Diet, you acknowledge and agree that the following is true and accurate to the best of your knowledge.

  1. I confirm that my pet was examined by a Veterinarian who recommended the use of Hill’s Prescription Diet on the basis of his/her diagnosis.
  2. I have read and understood that whilst my pet is being fed Hill’s Prescription Diet, it is recommended that I seek veterinary advice at least every 6 months regarding the usage of Prescription Diet.
  3. I have read and understood that I need to seek immediate veterinary advice if my pet's condition deteriorates in any way whilst I use Hill’s Prescription Diet