
Getting Your Puppy Comfortable With Handling

Throughout their life, your dog will need to be touched and examined. The earlier you can get your puppy comfortable with those scenarios, the less stressful and fearful they will be when the situation arises.

Here’s how to get your puppy used to being handled:

Make It Positive

Making the time to practise examining your puppy before you actually need to allows you to take your time and make the experience as positive as possible. Have lots of small treats ready or prepare a lick mat smeared with their meal or some yummy natural peanut butter. Calmy sit with your puppy, pet them and speak to them gently.

While petting them all over, slowly brush them with a soft brush, rub them with a cloth, pet down their legs and touch their paws, hold their chin, look into their mouth, etc. Areas to focus on includes paws, toes, mouth, ears, tail, eyes, and stomach areas. Remember to stop frequently and reward them for being calm and accepting of the handling.

Go Slow

Some puppies might be more accepting of being handled than others so it’s important you go slow and take your time. Perhaps focus on brushing in one session and ears and eyes in the next session. If at any time your puppy is showing signs of discomfort or starts to get frustrated, go back to gently petting them or simply end the session and give your puppy a break then try again. After all, for some breeds, it can be quite comforting to be touched all over!

Before using any equipment on your puppy such as a bush or nail clippers, allow your puppy to sniff and explore it. Then bring it close to your puppy and touch it to the area you are going to use it (without using it) and reward your puppy. If it makes a sound (like electric hair clippers), get your puppy used to the sound before using it on them.

Don't Force It

At times, you may need to address an urgent situation that might not allow you the time to go slow with your puppy. For example, if they have injured themselves or gotten something stuck between their paws. In those moments, try to keep clam and distract your puppy with some treats or a toy before you try to examine the area.

Move as quickly as possible and or bring your puppy to a vet for examination. Avoid forcing and restraining your puppy as this can negatively impact their experience of being handled, especially if they are already injured feeling vulnerable.

Whether they like it or not, for their health and welfare, your dog will need to be touched, handled and examined by humans. Getting your puppy comfortable about being brushed and touched in key areas as early as possible makes it less stressful for them (and you!) as they get older.


Please Note: "CUSTOMER SELF DECLARATION" By purchasing ROYAL CANIN Prescription Diet, you acknowledge and agree that the following is true and accurate to the best of your knowledge.

  1. I confirm that my pet was examined by a Veterinarian who recommended the use of ROYAL CANIN Prescription Diet on the basis of his/her diagnosis.
  2. I have read and understood that whilst my pet is being fed ROYAL CANIN Prescription Diet, it is recommended that seek veterinary advice at least every 6 months regarding the usage of ROYAL CANIN Prescription Diet.
  3. I have read and understood that I need to seek immediate veterinary advice if my pet's condition deteriorates in any way whilst I use ROYAL CANIN Prescription Diet.


Please Note: "CUSTOMER SELF DECLARATION" By purchasing Hill’s Prescription Diet, you acknowledge and agree that the following is true and accurate to the best of your knowledge.

  1. I confirm that my pet was examined by a Veterinarian who recommended the use of Hill’s Prescription Diet on the basis of his/her diagnosis.
  2. I have read and understood that whilst my pet is being fed Hill’s Prescription Diet, it is recommended that I seek veterinary advice at least every 6 months regarding the usage of Prescription Diet.
  3. I have read and understood that I need to seek immediate veterinary advice if my pet's condition deteriorates in any way whilst I use Hill’s Prescription Diet